We had a great time at our church Christmas party.
We had a beautiful dinner outside in the driveway- the weather and decorations were perfect.

Santa visited which terrified Ivy, even when Asher talked to him and recognized his South African accent as not being from the north pole, but belonging to "Sister Joey's dad (aka husband)"- she still wouldn't go near the "fake" Santa.
Canyon wasn't too sure either.

Ivy did melt my heart in our talent show that evening though.
Our family agreed to perform something in the talent show, we just weren't sure what (and to be honest, John and I knew that we'd most likely do something with the kids standing by as support instead of the other way around.
We decided to sing a cute song the kids love- we call it "Hot Cocoa" but I'm not sure what the official name is. We all (minus Canyon) had all the words memorized and we rounded up all the props we could find in our house to show along with the words. John played the guitar.
the song goes a little something like this:
You are hot cocoa when I'm freezing
a band-aid when I fall
a washcloth when I'm stinky
a hankie when I ball
a slicker when it rains
the sunblock on my nose
chapstick in the wind
and mittens when it snows!"
that's what families do
they will stick by you
they'll be there to see you through
cuz that's what families do
you are my nightlight in the hallway
a padlock on my bike
snorkel in my ocean
the trail-mix on my hike
the plunger in my bathroom
a blanket when i snooze
the batteries in my flashlight
the velcro on my shoes.
chorus 2 times:
that's what families do
they will stick my you
they'll be there to see you through
cuz that's what families do.
it's seriously a cute song.
even cuter was thinking that just john and I were singing with the kids looking cute and holding up a prop (mitten or chapstick etc) when appropriate, but when the chorus came cute little Ivy just belted it out with all her energy. She had been singing the words here and there trying to keep up, but she had the chorus part down pat and she rocked it!
in fact, I almost had her singing solo cuz I got teary mid chorus and had to hold it together to finish. Canyon was adorably dancing/ bouncing to the beat, and Asher had all the props up on cue.

I love this little family and the song that may be our theme for years to come!
Unfortunately we didn't even think to get it on video, but maybe next year.
song is called "That's what Families Do" by Melanie Hoffman from the album Scripture Scouts you can even listen to a sample of the song here- (it's number 6)
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