Friday, May 15, 2009

pay a game? Peas? D.Q.!

ever played this?:
if not, it's ok. You'll pick up quick.
basic game play is this:
one person reads a phrase that is written on a card
"Plea sway tube ease heated"
and everyone tries to hear/ guess what is being said,
which is:

"Please wait to be seated"

We find ourselves playing a similar version of this game almost daily trying to understand Ivy.
She loves this game- in fact- she practically invented it.
I'm probably the best at it, although Asher is a pretty close second.
John? he's getting better:
Want to play?  Read on!  Prizes may or may not be awarded.
warning: may be more challenging due to language/ accent barriers from game creator
Ready? Let's play!
Good luck!  hints below.
Round 1:
  1. Dane Cue  -thank you
  2. Peace  -please
  3. Aunt Sumpenna eet peez? - I want something to eat please
  4. ghost im n.... go stim in peez ..... sue suit?!? - go swimming, go swimming please, swim suit.
  5. mo bake fist - more breakfast 
  6. mo ban fakes - more bran flakes
  7. mo soothy - more smoothie
  8. go-uh-car... tay cuhnap... NONERSEE NOooo goa car mom-EEEeee!!!  - go to car, take a nap, no nursery!!!- (but she still goes and settles down in seconds- drama queen)
  9. cole nana bumpa in pewder peez! -call nana grandma/ grandpa (bumpa is universal) on computer 
  10. wissen calla surf - listen to Called to Serve 
  11. wissena ha skill miss a kill - listen to High School Musical
  12. daw a walk it -draw a rocket
  13. reed sore ease -read stories
  14. pay way goes -play legos
  15. Juan a where soupid uh-where - stupid underwear
  16. Juan a where fullashit - Want to wear Fulla shirt  
  1. variations of the same: Deen Q. or D.Q.
  2. also pronouced: Peas or {exasperated} Peeeeez-uh! (as in Italy's leaning tower of..)
  3. Aunt like the Brits might say, not ant like the insect.
  4. it's hot outside and this is why she has a tan
  5. helps to say it/ hear it, in the kitchen
  6. ditto
  7. ditto
  8. Heard every Friday. Immediately upon hearing "Amen" from the giver of the benediction.
  9. no hints
  10. most often heard in the car. A request for what she wants to hear in the car.
  11. ditto-non- church album
  12. said with pen and paper in hand
  13. no hints
  14. no hints
  15. she picked up this phrase from Asher who picked it up from the little nerdy guy in Polar Express. She wants to wear these instead of a diaper and calls them by this two word phrase.
  16. remember this post? a request to wear an article of clothing with her picture. 

(my apologies for #16 but I just HAD to include it since she had us stumped for a good 5-10 minutes as she repeated it a good 20-30 times before we heard what she was saying- and got our laughter under control.) 

How did you do?  Want to play again? via video? or even better, in person?  Me too!
if you didn't already figure it out, highlight text following each phrase to reveal correct answers.
Thanks for playing!


  1. Bran Flakes? Whoa you're kids need to visit the Clark's!

  2. I think I got about 1/2 of them that she protests that she mimics Asher. Mad Gab is one of my favorite games. I'm impressed you could write those phrases phonetically.

    Hope the move goes well and you feel settled quickly.

  3. That is such a cute post! I like her musical choices too, Called to Serve and High School Musical. Awesome

  4. 1. Thank You
    2. Please
    3. Want something to eat please.
    4. ? Go swimming , go swimming please, suit?
    5. More breakfast
    6. More Pancake
    7. More Smoothy?
    8. Go in a car, take a nap, No nursery, no go car, Mommy.
    9. Call Nana and Grandpa on computer, please.
    10. Listen ?
    11.Listen ?
    12. Draw a rocket.
    13, Read stories.
    14. Play legos.
    15. Wanna wear stupid? underwear.
    15. Wanna wear a ? shirt.

    What a cutie!! Glad you have such a beautiful family and have all that love around you.

  5. This is one of our favorite games. I was thinking of you guys the other day and the first time I met you and John on Dusty boats.

  6. I thought I had your email but I guess I don't. I was reading this and thought of you.

  7. Loved it Toria! We sure miss that little Ivy!
