Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Amish Country

After leaving Washington D.C. we headed back north through Pennsylvania. I really wanted to travel through Lancaster County and see Amish country. I did a little research and found a place we all would enjoy- Strasburg. There was a railroad park with all sorts of old school rail cars, diesel engines and steam locomotives. We saw lots of "Thomas' friends" and Asher was in heaven. Trains everywhere. We rode out into the country and both kids panicked a little when the train blew it's whistle and let out steam (it was really loud), but we had a great time. We ate at a buffet that was pretty close to an Chuck-o-rama or hometown buffet, but I insisted that I wanted something authentic to the area and that's the direction we were pointed. My assessment Pennsylvania Dutch cooking was pretty darn similar to Mormon cooking. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

this hand train was Asher's FAVORITE and he did NOT want to get off. He was pretty good at it and very tired and the combo made for a cranky exit to the car

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