Monday, June 22, 2009


I'm doing laundry, organizing, figuring out what fits, taking things off the wall and getting ready to move houses AND go home to the U.S. for a visit!

Feeling excited (for the trip and for the new house) and a bit stressed (about getting everything done before we leave AND about flying with all 3 kids without John).

I'll be flying in the the bay area on Sunday.
Enjoying Independence day and many other days in Ashland.
Hanging out for a few weeks in Utah and Arizona.
and finishing it off with a trip to D.C. to see more family and meet me soon to arrive nephew!

sounds like a pretty good way to beat the heat around here.
even if it does mean I have to endure a 14 hour plane ride across the world, followed by a 4 hr plane ride across country.

I'm hoping to see lots of friends and family, so lets get in touch to try and organize something. 
sorry if this is the first you've heard of my coming. 
This is my way of giving you a heads up, I'll email or call once I get a better handle on things around here, or send me a note so we can coordinate.
See you soon!


  1. Toria- when will you be in Utah? I'm trying to coordinate a day to get together with Kristin and Jenny, and hopefully Tami, the week of July 20th (through the 24th). It would be great if you're there that time. It will be all of our families. Let me know!

  2. i can't believe i am missing you guys by only a few days. what am i going to do without you this summer? i'm sure you will love being out of the heat and seeing friends and family! my american cell phone number is 407-232-3591. call me anytime (that i am awake)

  3. Ok, so of course I would love to see you, but only if it is convenient for you. If you have time to call/email please do. I will drive where ever I need to!

  4. GOOD LUCK!!! you are CrAzY!!! But I bet time on the US sopil would be worht it for me too!! new house? Do tell!

  5. I meant soil and worth it...but you know there is no spellcheck on blogs right now!

  6. Darn. I think I've missed you. I need to check this more often. I don't know where you are at now but maybe there is still a chance. We might be heading to Utah, so let us know. I hope your flights went well. We miss you guys.
