Friday, September 7, 2007


Asher's Nana teaches and runs a preschool with her friend Cindy, therefore, while we're staying here Asher gets to attend preschool (he's not 3 until December- much younger than the other kids and he's not potty trained)! Today was the first day and he'll be attending 2 days a week. He loved it and Lesley and Cindy both said he did great! He played nicely with the other kids, sat on his carpet when he was supposed to and even shared his backpack for sharing time. Lesley helped him with the sharing time. We planned on him taking one of his toy trains but we sort of forgot* to put it in his backpack before we left the house. Since it was the first day, nobody brought sharing so Lesley helped Asher share his backpack (it's blue, it has an airplaned on it, it zips like this, etc.) they opened it up to look what was inside and found the only thing in there--- underpants**. Now how's that for for sharing time on the first day of school? Anyway, I'm so glad he's having fun, loving preschool, making friends, spending more time with Nana and learning a few things.

* I remembered but I was worried that if he took a train, he might want to play with it and not share and cause problems AND I didn't think that he would really be brave enough to talk in front of the whole class. However, now that he's shared not only his backpack but his underpants, nothing's stopping him!
**I also put a diaper in there but he already had a messy diaper that Nana changed for him at the end of free play time. He's not potty trained, but all of the other kids at the preschool are so I put the underpants in there as an extra reminder and push to get him to want to be like the other kids. Look forward to "potty training accomplished" in a future post.

1 comment:

  1. only toria would leave the train and put undies in the love it!
