Monday, July 21, 2008

little update on us.

I can't believe we're in the second half of July!  Summer is winding down and I am kinda excited about it.  It's HOT here.  We've been staying busy and enjoying ourselves and trying not to wish we were in the U.S. too often (although we do miss everyone).  I've got lots of pictures of things we've been doing and seeing and a few videos I hope to upload soon. Until then, here's a quick update on a few things.

Ivy is: 
-walking!  she's been taking steps and pushing things for about a month, but officially a walker as of the past few days. 
- singing tunes with made up words/ babble
- feeling much better after two weeks of being sick with multiple bugs.
- loving all the attention she gets at the grocery stores, malls, and church.
Asher is: 
-writing his own name.
-drawing great pictures of planes, trains, houses and boats. 
-telling people how old he is, when his birthday is, and where he's from. "I'm from America, I was born in California, my sister was born in Boston. Mom, where were you born again?" 
-wanting a bike (we're looking for one, although still can't find one without some superhero or cartoon theme)

John is:
- back from a week long business trip to Moscow.  
His boss suggested he take his wife and kids next time.  (hmmm does he want to know if we would ever consider moving there?)
So, maybe we'll go on a trip to Russia in August. Anyone every been besides my BIL- Uncle Dan?

Toria is:

due sometime around February 1st.


  1. Congratulations! I love how you make going to Russia sound as casual as going to San Diego for the weekend!

  2. Congrats. I love hearing about all your experieinces over there.

  3. Congratulations! (To Asher and Ivy too). Right now Lucy is laughing and talking to the picture of Ivy and reaching for her, pretty funny.

  4. Wow! Congrats. I hope you're feeling okay. Sound like Asher is going to have to his add to his list of place of births ... Dubai should be a show stopper.

  5. Woo hoo! Congrats! We miss you guys too. :)

  6. Took me a second. HOORAY FOR YOU!! Fun to hear about everyone. Thanks for the tip with the tomatoes! I have a dehydrator that Loretta Forthoffer gave me. Remember her? That lady made me laugh.

  7. Also . . . the jar of Prego . . . hilarious!!

  8. HI Tori! COngratulations!! LOL! At the prego can! Great idea! And yes, Carl and I have been to Russia! Parts of it are very pretty, and parts of it are SUPER depressing! Just be warned! Traffic is Terrible! But where isn't it! LOL! Lots of cool history and buildings though!

  9. Congratulations on #3. Your family is super cute. We are excited for you.

  10. yeah! congratulations! that's so exciting! the jar of prego cracked me up! at first i was like, "toria's wanting to cook spaghetti?" i had to read it a few times... i'm slow that way! ;) so how are you feeling?

  11. Clever way to announce it - I saw the bottle and thought,"maybe she has a new recipe" -super funny. Congratulations, I hope you're feeling OK!

  12. Congratulations Toria! Your children are lucky to have you as a mom, John's lucky to have you, we're lucky to know you! We miss you.

  13. CONGRATULATIONS! Will this baby be born in Dubai, another place to add to Asher's list?

  14. Congrats, we are so excited for you guys.

  15. Congrats Toria! Brace yourself- 3!?! I'm sure you'll do great.

  16. Congratulations!!! That is so great. I LOVE how you shared the news- so funny!

  17. Okay, so congratulations... I think? I guess I'm still in the transitional stage of motherhood where I'm wondering how I'll ever get to the place where I'll think, "I want another child." I feel a bit guilty for saying it, but it's just where I'm at. I've always wanted to have a handful of kids, but now I'm wondering how I'll ever manage it and maintain my mental health. Is it just me? However, I really am excited for you. Maybe I can plan a trip over there in the end of February just so I can help you with your two kids while you're taking care of your newborn, cause heck, I now know just how difficult those first few weeks of life are. I love you.

  18. okay...that took me way too long to get! i feel a little slow, but maybe cause it's just morning?? i'll keep telling myself that ;) CONGRATULATIONS on baby # three! you guys make the cutest kiddos!

  19. Toria- Love reading about your experiences in Dubai. Congratulations to you and John on #3!

  20. Congrats Toria - and John and Asher and Ivy! Great announcement. That 100% Natural method seems to have worked! Ha! Ha! It's funny, the night before you sent this out, I had a dream I was prego. Luckily, it was just a dream, but boy did it stress me out for a while! You guys are crazy! Haven't I told you that 2 is a good stopping point? Well... too late now!:) Three is great, four is works out also! You'll have to get advice on five from a better woman than I - when you get there.

  21. We have been out of the blog loop for a couple of weeks, so I am so slow.... but congratulations. What a lucky little baby. I am so excited for you.

  22. hi Toria,
    I have not been here for a while.
    congrats to you and John and Asher and Ivy,haha !!
    wow~~~ your 3rd one is coming!
    It is REALLY exciting!

    take care!


  23. Oh my--Congratulations you guys! What a fun announcement. You guys are living quite the adventure, it's fun to read about. Clay is jealous you guys all got to go to Moscow (he served in St. Petersburg and always talks about going there). The kids are as cute as always and getting so big. I'm excited to hear what #3 will be!
